How to Child Rights

By: June Lio

Last updated: 2024-07-9

HOW TO CHILD RIGHTS It is a platform that facilitates co-creation and peer learning on child rights in practice. It offers a series of practical, high quality, tried and tested tools, guidance and case studies and peer exchanges, to support effective and innovative programming - including advocacy - for children’s rights across the civil society sector, in close collaboration with other actors including academia. Launched in 2022, the Series is developed in close collaboration with various organisations and individuals to support all practitioners within the sector, across organisational, geographic and language barriers.


Developed by civil society for civil society, the series offers condensed and essential knowledge for civil society practitioners who wish to strengthen programming and advocacy for and with children, and stay up to date with new developments in children’s rights.

The series is initiated by Save the Children and developed in close collaboration with Child Rights Connect and a broad range of trusted partners.  The series consists of case-studies documenting ways of working that have proved to be innovative and impactful,  step-by step guidance on how to programme in new and evolving areas, and a selection of short and long practical guidance on critical issues related to the implementation of children’s rights that have recommended by civil society practitioners. See here for a list of all tools develop as part of the How to Child Rights series!

A note on How to Child Right series:  The tools and guidance hosted by the How to Child Rights are not static.  We are looking to continually improve the tools hosted in this series through the active feedback and review of its users, and from user’s experience and learnings from implementing these tools.

Partner with us: We look to collaborate with experts and practitioners in the child rights sector to develop new tools and pilot existing tools. Please reach out to us if you have any feedback on the tools, are interested to pilot the tools, or have ideas for a potential collaboration!

If you have any question about the How to Child Rights series or wish to contribute with feedback, content, or funding, please contact us at

Sign me up! Learn about our latest tools and guidance, upcoming webinars, and how you can advance children’s rights in your daily work!


Tools Guidance, and Case Studies on How to Advance:

Children’s Rights, with Children

4 resources

Children’s Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

2 resources

Children’s right to a Healthy and Sustainable environment

4 resources

Children’s Rights by Holding States to Account

6 resources

How to Engage the World Bank around Child Rights

1 resource

Webinars, Peer Learning Sessions & Video resources

If you have missed any of our webinars, please find the video recordings of the sessions below:

Webinars (recording)

12 resources

Definitions, Abbreviations & Frequently Asked Questions

Definitions of terms used in guidance and case studies

1 resource

List of Abbreviations

1 resource

List of resources for How to Child Rights series

1 resource

Frequently Asked Questions

1 resource

New release!


Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 09.38.54
Elections to the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Information for Children’s Rights Defenders

2016 · Child Rights Connect

This document outlines the significance of the elections to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for children’s rights defenders. The Committee plays a crucial role in... View Full Abstract

How to Engage the World Bank around Child Rights

2023 · Bank Information Center

The World Bank Group is one of the world’s most influential development finance institutions. As such, its worldwide operations can have an enormous impact on child rights,... View Full Abstract

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How to use United Nations Human Rights Resolutions to Advance Children’s Rights

2022 · How to Child Rights series

Every year, United Nations (UN) intergovernmental bodies, such as the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council, adopt several resolutions negotiated among States, which... View Full Abstract

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How to do Child-Centered Social Accountability

2022 · How to Child Rights series

This Guidance sets out a step-by-step process for carrying out Child-Centred Social Accountability (CCSA). CCSA is a rights-based and community-driven approach through which... View Full Abstract

VNR cover edit
How to use the Voluntary National Review to Advance Children’s Rights

2022 · How to Child Rights series

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.  The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a fundamental part of the 2030... View Full Abstract

How To Write a Child-Friendly Document

2022 · How to Child Rights series

Children have a right to seek and receive information, including about their human rights. If this right is to be implemented in practice, the information that they receive needs... View Full Abstract

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If you have any question about the How to Child Rights series or wish to contribute with feedback, content, or funding, please contact us at

Sign me up! Learn about our latest tools and guidance, upcoming webinars, and how you can advance children’s rights in your daily work!

Initiated by Save the Children and developed in close collaboration with:

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